These NYC mice are so smart, they won't go near any trap!  I tried
Havaheart, also glue traps (my friend knows how to remove them without
injury).  I did catch a cockroach on the glue trap!
A ferret friend who live in FL near the water said he had citrus rats
coming into his bungalow, until he put his ferrets stinky bedding where
they came in.  They never came back.  Well, it ain't the case in NYC.  I
put freshly used newspaper with poop and pee and it only worked for one
day.  They came back.  Bedding seemed to work for awhile; then they came
back.  Kept replacing bedding with used bedding but doesn't last.  They
come back.  Persistent little devils!  When Rocky was a kit, one mouse
would climb into his cage while he was sleeping and steal his food, piece
by piece.  He even did it with the light on and me sitting 2 ft. from
the cage!!!!
Rocky isn't stinky enough to keep the mice away!!!  Despite what a
friend's girlfriend recently said, upon hearing the word "ferret."
"Ferrets are disgusting; they smell."  To me: "you can't smell it
because you're used to it."  Not true; none of my other friends or
anyone who has met Rocky says he smells.  Because I have a serious
problem with migraines, I am extremely sensitive to smell and the only
time I can smell Rocky is when I have a very severe migraine (my senses
magnified x 100) and he is very close to me, and even then, it's just a
slight perfumy smell.  Oh, and I can smell and love the popcorn/cornchip
smell he gets when he's been sleeping, but i have to put my nose to his
fur to smell it. (Doesn't matter what food he's eating.)
I will say, he was stinky as a kit, and I don't know if this is a
protective mechanism, or it was the bad 8-in-1 food I was told to feed
him (which BTW, I believe ruined his teeth from that raisin juice.  His
teeth were getting brownish in the back before he was 1 yr old).
The other reason bedding has little smell is this:
Rocky has 4, yes 4, sleeping places: Blankie in bathroom corner, my bed,
laundry bag in bedroom closet, and his latest, deep inside a zippered
travel bag in a coat closet filled with other junk!  And he can open the
door to that closet!!!
But getting back to NYC mice, I guess as the song "New York, New York"
goes: "If you can make it here, you'll make it anywhere..."
Shron & Rocky: "If ya wanted me ta be stinky, why'd ya remove my stinky
P.S. Finding every miniscule hole and stuffing with steel wool works...
until the mice find one you missed!
[Posted in FML issue 4480]