This is hard to write.  This morning our little one Bounce passed.
Bounce had been on this earth for at least 8 years.  Bounce was found as
a stray one cool August morning over 6 years ago.  Since then she has
lived a wonderful life with us humans, Beagles and her oversized brother
Bounce has lived up to her name in so many ways.  It was first earned by
her energy and the way she would let you know that she was happy.  Then
she started to earn it by survival.  Bounce suffered from stress.  She
could not handle changes to food, environment, and those around her.
Even moving her cage to another room could set her off.  How you may
ask.  For two years Bounce was hairless, at first it was thought it was
adrenal(SP) and then thought kidney failure, then one day there was hair.
Anytime we would travel, she would loose her hair, of course she would
gain it back quicker each time she lost it.
Then there have been times that she has caught our cold and had to be
feed duck soup.  So many times over the last several years we thought
she was gone, but she would turn around and Bounce back.
This time the stress we knew would be too strong for her.  We moved.
But even before we moved we could see that age was starting to set in.
NOw she waits for us at the rainbow bridge along with Gabriel (Rat)
And Spazz (cat)
Augusta & Spencer
Surviving Beagles - Scooby, Magie, and Ferret- Frodo
[Posted in FML issue 4480]