Hi Everyone!
I have two questions/problems.
Since I've been feeding Rocky Natural Gold, his poop has been really
loose, like a puddle, there's more of it and it's stinky.  It's been a
few weeks, so I don't think it's going to change.  I'm not pleased with
this, and I'm sure Mr. Clean (Rocky) isn't either.  I mix in a bit of
Totally Ferret with it, and when he happens to get more of TF kibble,
the poop is more solid.
Should I add more TF?  I assumed NG is better for him because of the
higher meat/lower carb content.
Also, does anyone know how long past the "Buy Before" date on the TF bag
the food is still good?  I recently bought some online, on sale, and the
Buy Before date is May 6, 2004, only a month away.  Since I have only 1
ferret a bag lasts me 6 mos. and now that I'm mixing with NG, it will
last a year, or more.  I have a very warm apt. so I keep it in the
Despite the claim that Oxyfresh is odorless and tasteless, Rocky does not
like to drink water with Oxyfresh in it.  As a result, he is drinking
much less water.  He is extremely fussy, being the world's most spoiled
ferret, and doesn't like any kind of water that comes from a plastic
bottle (even my expensive Evian), only likes fresh tap water, especially
if he can drink it from my hand as it is coming out of the tap (this only
occurs if I happen to use the bathroom and wash my hands and Rocky is in
the bathroom).  Also, I can smell a soapy-type odor in the Oxyfresh
bottle, though I haven't tasted it yet.
Should I stop using Oxyfresh?  I am concerned that he dosen't drink very
much, as he used to.
BTW, I am extremely fussy about water, too, and can taste the difference
in every kind of bottled, tap and filtered tap water.  We are both also
very particular about food; not just the type of food but the way it is
prepared.  My dear departed cat Yoda was the same way with the food.  As
a result, all of us are/were thin.  It must be karma that I should get a
animals with the same quirks!  I never catered to Yoda's tastes until she
became very old (17+), lost her sense of smell, would only eat one thing
and was extremely thin.  I cater more to Rocky, however, it he doesn't
get a food he likes he gets too thin and his coat doesn't look/feel good.
I know what you're all thinking: Boy she isn't exaggerating when she
says that ferret is spoiled!!!  And this example is only the tip of the
Condolenses to all whose ferrets have gone to the bridge.  I know I will
be a total basket-case when Rocky goes.  Their life is just too short.
So I feel it should be as happy as we can possibly make it for them while
they are with us.  This factor, along with how much joy Rocky gives me,
is why I spoil him so much.
Shron & Rocky (turned 3 yrs. old in Feb.)
[Posted in FML issue 4477]