I have to tell everyone about the most unique quilt!  The San Antonio
Ferret Enthusiasts (SAFE) is having The Ultimate Quilt Raffle....the
quilt is quite unique....like none other I have seen before....I got to
see it a couple of weeks a go at the meeting, and their pic of it does
not do it justice!!!  Every penny of the raffle goes to the SAFE ferrets,
so you have nothing to lose!
Check it out at: http://www.saferrets.org/
While you are looking please check out The Fuzzy Sleep center where
there are tons of unique items and over 50% of the proceeds directly
to SAFE also http://fuzzysleepcenter.terrabox.com/
Lynn Barker
please check out my web site:
proud member of S.A.F.E.
join our ferret craft group
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[Posted in FML issue 4475]