As everyone has read we are up and running as a new group, we all hope
that you looked at our first group of e-Bays to help Brenda and the kids
at Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter.  We want to thank the many of you
who have written to congratulate us on keeping our group together to help
other shelters in dire need of help, we appreciate this it shows us that
people that are owned by ferrets are the greatest in helping others in
need.  There have been more things added to our pages for you to look at
and help.
Our Main page is
You will find out all about our project for Brenda and the kids on this
page, also Brenda's story on why help is needed.
Our e-Bay and Raffle page
There is also a donation button on the page.  Remember friends
"everything" you do helps no matter how big or small, it is the end
result that counts.
If you have somthing that you would like to donate fot the baskets that
we will be e-Baying or raffleing you can send it to either Brenda or Jean
with a note letting them know that it is for
"The Royal Order Of Ferret Scoopers" project.
Brenda Johnson
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
7823 Woodville Road
Naples, New York 14512
Jean Caputo-Lee=
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
4116 Bucyrus Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44109
We Thank You For Helping
"The Royal Order Of Pooper Scoopers"
[Posted in FML issue 4469]