I have no idea how this happened, but one of my ferrets somehow got out
of my home in West Spingfield.  We are doing everything we can trying to
find her.  If there is anyway you can send a message out and/or keep your
eyes open for a ferret found in the West Springfield (most likely the
Merrick Section) area we would really appreciate it.  We have 3 other
ferrets that miss her very much.  She is a sable
You can reach us anytime at 1-413-262-1911 as for Jay or leave a message.
Thank you.  Catherine Croteau.
(This is not her pic, I found it on a website, but she looks very similar
to this ferret)
[Moderator's note: No picture in message I got, but there aren't pictures
on the FML anyhow.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4475]