Looks like ferret math is hitting our home.  If he is still available
Wednesday morning (my next day off) Slinky is going to get a playmate!
There is a one-year-old sable in a local animal shelter.  Actually it's
about an hour and a half away but in Texas that's still considered
'local'. ; )
This raises a question for the multiple ferret owners in the crowd.  I
plan to keep both in a dedicated ferret room.  Slinky's stool output has
dropped off considerably.  If the hairball medicine doesn't work today
it's off to the vet tomorrow.  Monitoring stool and urine output and food
intake is necessary to detect certain problems.  With multiple, non-caged
ferrets, how do you keep track of things like this?
Best regards,
Fred Schroeder
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NRA Life Member
Homepage: http://schroeder-family.us
Behold the superfluous.  They are always sick.  They vomit their gall and
call it a newspaper.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche   1844-1900
[Posted in FML issue 4466]