I have started to do this so many times I have lost count.  I tend to be
easily distracted by things, anything shiney for example, or anything
related to Lord of the Rings (yep, I belong to the "groupies" - I have
reread the stories twice analyzing the differences) (Oh I know, but if
I fall asleep while I do that it doesn't hurt a thing) You know, like
the Elves at Helms Deep, or Haldir dying at Helms Deep, didn't happen in
the book.  I also tend to get distracted by poop.  Some times it can be
facinating by itself, you know, you take out the litter box and look, and
if one looks really weird, you examine it.  Had one little boy here in
the shelter, I swear he pooped out an entire sleep sack.
Any way, back to the original reason for the post here, health wise, I am
still in remission!!  (Yeah!!) But I take that as it comes, with the odds
at 1 in 5 I'll get it again, well, we'll see what the furture holds, Docs
don't know all.
On the fundraiser front, I can finally see the dinning room table again,
along with furniture that I think you are suppose to be able to sit on!!!
It looked like a store room for a basket shop, bath stuff, coffees, teas,
cookies, lots of human baskets (but that is what I had the most of) and
some really great ferret stuff.
I think the post office thought that this place was a regular pick up
Because of the effort of so many people, the shetler/house is saved,
there is an emergency cushion, and the old timers that needed to go back
on lupron are back on it.
No one will ever know how deeply grateful I am to everyone.  Words cannot
express what I feel.  Maybe that is why I have been lurking, I cannot
express the gratitude I feel.  I feel very humbled.  I do not know what
I have ever done to have so many people care.  So many friends.  Another
thing that I will forever be grateful for.
I do plan on giving back or paying it forward, and have already started,
I recieved a donation from an unknown person who wished it to be split
between this shelter and another, I honored their wish.  I am working on
some stuff for the different groups that helped to raffle, auction or
give away to help restore their shelter funds.
This whole experience, has been, there are no words for it.
But it has proved one thing to me, it reafirms my belief that once a
group of people (ferret fold for certain) gets it into their minds to do
someting, they do.  It seems to take a bit of direction, or a boot, but
it gets accomplished.  All our differences get put aside and we unite
like no other.
Lisa, Kat, Harry, Tara, Ardith, Elyan, Ann, Brenda, Lynn Ann, Kim, Nancy,
Stacia, and that loveable Ron and Fran and beebee worked very hard to
make sure the word got spread and kept track, and tried to keep me
focused in on what needed to get done on my part.  (Rembering anything
is a feat in itself anymore.)
Thanks to them, Club Med, FML, Altpet, and those wacky loveable
Pooflingers, clubs, rescues, and hundreds of other people, rather than
having to find someone to take over or take the ferrets here, I can still
shelter, and be here for those ferrets who need a shelter, a safe place
till they find their forever home.  There still is a place for those
abused kids, or biters that will not kill them just because they don't
understand not all people are bad.  And the ferrets who are dying and the
owners can't deal with it, there still is a place for them to come and be
loved for whatever time they have left.
Thanks to people who I know only by internet, or don't know at all, the
shelter still goes on, there still is a safe haven for the unwanted.  And
I have a reason to keep getting up in the mornings.
Thank you all.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you for showing me
that not all humans are rotten and mistreat their animals and each other.
Thank you for believing in me and giving me strength.
Hugs to all.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
4116 Bucyrus Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44109
No Kill, Non-Profit,  501 (c) (3)
[Posted in FML issue 4455]