I was reading an article in USAtoday.com, and found the most amusing
"From our perspective, if people influenced by health consequently cut
back on fish and meat consumption, that helps animals.  If two people
cut their meat in half it helps as much as one person going completely
Bruce Friedrich, spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of
No wonder they don't want fuzzies legal... because two people eating half
a cow is as good as one person not eating it!  (If they cut their meat in
half, but still eat all of it, is it still a good thing?) I'm sorry.  I
just was amused by this.
On a more ferret related note, Snoova's bone marrow trials and
tribulations continue.  I'm picking up new meds after they do another
hematocrit check tomorrow.  Poor guy, he doesn't know there's a thing
wrong with him, but he keeps going to the vet!!
Dooks and Dances!
Denise Autry
A nerd is someone whose life revolves around computers and technology;
a geek is someone whose life revolves around computers and technology and
likes it that way.  -anon
[Posted in FML issue 4454]