>From:    J Gordon Bengtson CI/ASMEL <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Kodo lost
i was scared to death reading this that 'lost' meant gone forever... i
hope he is fine now...
may i make a suggestion as to how to keep this from happening again?
this is what we do...and we have it on every cage in the house...
you know those heavy black corrugated pipes at the home improvement
stores?..the heavy plastic?...get a piece that will go from the top of
the cage ...at an angle...to the floor...with the corrugating they can
climb up AND down safely...attach it securely with bungee cords or
whatever you are comfortable with... we also put sleepsacks or playmats
on top of the cage to cover the wire..so they can walk on it...the
sleepsacks and such have hooks so you can attach them so the kids do not
fall off while in them...
you are not going to get the kids to quit climbing...but you CAN make it
safe for them...
hope this helps...
KITY=^..^=KAT's Fuzzy Frenzy [+13](-16)...
RAFFLE FOR JEAN... http://www.kwflatbed.com/jean/raffle.html
ANOTHER Raffle for Jean...
HELP JEAN, Ferrets Unlimited, PAGE...
  ....  with links to lots of ebays and raffles to help Jean!!!
SOS/FML Shelter and Vet List...
SOS Raffles...  http://sos-raffle.supportourshelters.org/
When you care about others....when you reach out to others....
 ...when you give of yourself to others...YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
[Posted in FML issue 4439]