Have a puzzling question for those of you with more experience than I.
My boy Ringo just had adrenal surgery (about a month ago).  He also had
an insulinoma taken off his pancreas (same surgery), developed a cataract
in one eye and something else wrong with the other eye, and is mostly
deaf.  He has just started putting fur and weight back on (he took longer
to get back on his feet than the others that have had the surgery).
The problem is his biting.  He's always had a tendency to chomp.  He
came from the shelter years ago as a problem biter.  Until just recently
though, he seemed to have worked though most of his biting issues.
Occasionally he would latch onto me (kiss, kiss, chomp), but a gentle
"Kiss, don't bite" would have him kissing again.  Also, he's always had
a bit of biting trouble with Miesa, my only girl.  They get after each
other occasionally and sound like they're killing each other, but they
also curl up and nap together.  When they get snotty, I've always just
seperated them and sent them to different rooms.  All of this has gotten
worse in the last few months, but I blamed it on the adrenal.  Well....
now the adrenal tumor is gone and he's still being very aggressive.  He's
also quit snuggling.  He still plays great (if a little enthusiastically)
with the other boys.  He still checks in with me for treats and
attention.  He just doesn't want hugs or scratches anymore and he now is
biting to go for the bone.  It smarts a bit.
I don't know what to do.  The biting would seem to be fear based
sometimes (when startled) and that I can work around (his hearing
problems have gotten worse lately.  We are adapting.).  It's the
continued aggression with Miesa and the going for bone on me that
concerns me.  I want my sweet boy back.  What could be going on here?
Anne (and the little minions of terror)
[Posted in FML issue 4453]