I have been reading the FML for a couple of months now, but this is
my first post.  I'm wondering if anyone has ideas about my Oscar.  We
adopted Felix (since passed to the Bridge) and Oscar from a pet store
where they had been abandoned because the previous owners didn't have
time for them.
We were told that they were three years old, but believe that they were
older than that.  Oscar is generally a very calm, happy ferret.  About
six months ago, he had an episode where he couldn't walk well, kept
falling over and was walking in circles.  We immediately called the vet
and got Oscar in to see him within a couple of hours.  (While waiting,
my fiance just held Oscar who wasn't moving much, just laying in his
arms drooling.)  By the time we got there, Oscar had started to improve
but was still having difficulty walking.
The vet wasn't sure what was wrong with Oscar, thought maybe a brain
tumor or something else neurological.  He gave Oscar some sub-q fluids
and sent them home with us (I'd been shown previously how to administer).
By the time we got Oscar home, he had recovered almost completely.
Since then, he has had one minor episode lasting approx one hour.  I
held him and talked to him (trying to get the vet on the phone) - but
he was fine in a very short time.  Nothing has happened since then - he
is happy, active and seems to be healthy.
Has anyone on the list had a similar experience?  Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
[Posted in FML issue 4453]