Hello everyone
So sorry about Yazu.  How wonderful to have had him for so long.  My
oldest will be 8 in June.
I have 2 questions for everyone:
#1. My Queen Blaze is Pregnant and due sometime this week.  Before she
got pg. she was a very loving girl and gave kisses galore.  Now she
bites, and bites hard.
#2. My Princess Anna is Pregnant and due in about 3 weeks.  Before she
got pg. she was a biter.  Now she is full of kisses, can't clean my face
enough.  What is with this attitude change?  My first girl, Shiela, never
changed her attitude, just stayed the same loving girl, even let me help
her with her babies from day 1.
Sir Ron? where are you, tried e-mail addy and keeps coming back.  Miss
talking to you.
Thank you,
Carol, Shy-Girl, Me-Me, Sir Lancelot, Queen Blaze, Princess Anna
[Posted in FML issue 4452]