>Although tolerance varies in small animals, the minimum lethal dose is
>about .1 oz [1/10 of an ounce] of baking chocolate or 2 oz. of milk
>chocolate for a ferret weighing 2 lbs.
The above quate was in todays FML however they copied it right from this
article without give credit to Dr. Gary Brummett, DVM.
So if anyone wants to read the whole artical and read why chocolate
poisonous to ferrets, here is the link.
Why is Chocolate Poisonous to Ferrets
[Moderator's note: Unfortunately there was no link there -- just the
above title.  I did find what appears to be the article here:
(And that's quite a nice website by the way!)  Alas, no references to
a study.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4452]