Thursday's are by far my favourite day of the week.  The time spent
playing with fuzzies who truly appreciate play time (unlike my brats
who just take tickles for granted) is far and beyond anything else that
happens in the daily grind.
Some of the best smiles from this week..
Sky is getting so good at chasing her blue ball around the room that
sometimes it appears to be glued to her nose.  However, she managed to
hide it under a cage and the next thing I knew my ankles were getting
bitten.  I had to go fetch the ball to appease her majesty.  Now I ask
you who is the master here?
Scarlet was on a roll when it came to tube wars.  She was winning so many
mock battles with the crew that the tail waging began.  For almost 5
minutes the drums could be heard with the tail tap beat.
Pogue has come so far from our frightened bitey ferret that first came to
us.  Last night he was doing flying war dances into my lap just to get
more tickles !
The best smile of the night was from our new boy Blarney..  what a ham!
He loves to stand on his hind legs to check things out that are just out
of his view.  However his balance sucks and he ends up falling over on
his back.  Unlike most ferrets to roll over and continue investigating..
he sticks his feet up in the air and stares.  In ferret-ese this
translates to since I'm here anyways could you come rub my tummy :-)
After a couple belly rubs he would continue his exploration only to
fall over for more rubs seconds later.
Til next time
Auntie Paige
[Posted in FML issue 4450]