Over the last few months I have had to spend spells away from my computer
and yet people are accusing me of posting on various sites even though I
have not been around, how can this be possible, maybes my long lost twin
has come back from the grave!!  The fact that so much time is spent by
some people posting as me, makes me wonder how much time they can be
spending with their ferret
Now to get to the point of this posting.  He said, she said, he said and
so forth, so to clarifie things i sent the following e-mail to Anne
Robinson yesterday at 12:32pm
----- Original Message -----
 From: Ferret
 Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:32 PM
 Subject: Please advise
 Hi I am still giving your rescue a mention in anything I have published,
 I am also giving your details to anyone with a ferret problem rather
 than the deatils of ferrets rescue who have no intention of becoming
 registerd.  If you have any problems with this, can you please let me
 know and I shall removed your details.
 Thank you
I receved a reply at from Mrs Robbinson at 13:04 yesterday.
 From ANNE ROBINSON <[log in to unmask]>
 Date 10 March 2004 13:04
 To Ferret <[log in to unmask] uk>
 Subject Re: Please advise
 Hi!  there, No problem whatsoever - thank you for your support.  We are
 beavering - or should I say ferreting - away here!  Currently we have
 more homes than ferrets but that can change in the blink of an eye!
 Anne Droitwich
 Ferret Welfare
[Moderator's note: Huh?  Guess something political I'm not privy to.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4449]