Hello my name is Karen...I am a first time writer to FML.  There is a
store here in my home town of Flint, MI that sells furniture, pet food,
groceries, and is a dollar store.  And also, this place sells animals,
including ferrets.  A friend of mine went there first and told me the
ferrets looked way too young to be there.  When I went a week later
the conditions were even worse.
There were 8 ferrets held in a 3 foot by 2 foot cage...with poop piled
high in every corner and the littel pan full.  The food they were being
fed looked like to me like hamster food.  I asked them if I could see one
of them...the man then told me they were just fighting (we all know thats
not true).  The little guy I looked at had an overbite on his bottom
teeth.  One of his canine teeth were broken...and they were cutting into
his top lip.  I was shocked and very upset to see the conditions these
poor guys live through. :(
[Posted in FML issue 4468]