Sadie has her face in the KIBBLE! ! ! WooHOO! ! !
The 6 pack surgery is going to recover ! ! !  They got down comforter
to curl up in tonight!  Have to change bedding, cause they were poopin
everywhere!  Gotta get Jasmine some fresh TP! !  But, SADIE IS EATING
Had to put fleece blankie in lower level for the others, as everyone is
used to being able to come and go from this particular set up, cage..
and it has been blocked since Thursday!  So, everyone will rest well
Wonderful! ! Wonderful ! !  I cuddled  Sadie through out the day, to
comfort her!  You could see in her face, that she did not feel well!
Woohoo!  She is eating on her own!
[Posted in FML issue 4436]