The furkins are recovering nicely, here.  Titan wanted out the first
day home.  Bingo is just chillin on his dose of torb, as is Binky, and
Marshmallow has had a raisin or 2, Jasmine was pretty restless today,
till we figured out what it was she really wanted, and I asked my husband
to look for a partial roll of "TOILET PAPER" which we promptly put in the
cage, and she settled down immediately, Sadie is still semi critical now.
She eats, had to syringe feed her most of the day, but voluntarily ate
from fingertips this evening.
Have to tell you, my WONDERFUL vet, Dr. Carlisle, called this afternoon,
he is apparently still in Chicago, but called personally to check on
everyone!  He is soooo very special!  He still hasn't seen the 6 roses
left, for him, though , so I hope he is back tomorrow lest they wilt and
no one took a photo for him.
It has been busy and the days long for me, so I am off to rest for a bit,
shortly!  I just had to sing the praises of a compassionate veterinarian,
and how fortunate, we were to be guided to him.  yes, guided, it was a
set of circumstances that led us to this particular hospital, and he
wasn't our first vet there, but we have a keeper!
Thank you all for loving thoughts and prayers offered up for the 6 pack
surgicals.  Please send up prayers for those others, that need them too,
throughout your days, these offerings come back to you in more ways than
one.  You just have to recognize them.
Many blessings to you all
donna and the 6 pack
Sadie, Jasmine, Titan, Binky, Bingo and Marshmallow
[Posted in FML issue 4436]