We're passing along this e-mail in hopes of finding homes for these four
fuzzies.  Please read the e-mail that follows and if you are interested
in adopting them (or know someone who might be), please have them contact
Chris or Denise at 623-869-8776 or by e-mail at [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]  Please also pass this e-mail along to any other
ferret newsgroups or mailing lists that you feel are appropriate.
Photos of these fuzzies are also available at:
We are looking for a loving, knowledgeable home for our four fuzzies (the
four muskaferrets).  They've been together most of their lives and we
would like to see them all find a home together.  If not possible we
may be willing to pair them up for homes.  They are all litter box
trained but two do really well and two are ok.  We will give everything
to the new owners including: two cages, toys, bedding, litter pans, food,
carrying cages, litter,etc.  There are two girls, Isabo and Adrian and
two boys, Nevar and Rocky.
This is Isabo, she will be four in April.  She's the little princess, the
smallest of the two girls but very adventurous.  She loves to climb and
jump up and off of things.  She has a funny habit of climbing to the top
of the cage and hanging out, I'm not sure if she gets scared once she's
on top or just likes to be there because she will stay up there for
awhile.  I sometimes worry about her jumping down only because when she
was little we had an accident in the room and she had the front, left leg
broke.  Since she was so small the vet said it healed really strong but I
still like to watch her.  Isabo is timid and shy when a lot of people or
strangers are around but very playful with us.  She likes to chase your
hand or things on a string, especially if it has feathers and a bell.
She's really good with the litter pan not only in the room but when she's
out and about.
Nevar will be four in April and is the biggest boy with the stripe on
his head, on the left.  Nevar is and deaf but quite a character.  If you
switch the light on and off in the room he will look for you and come to
the door(looking for a treat!).  He has a few favorite toys and hides
them in the cage, if you are cleaning the cage he doesn't like you to
touch them and will hide them someplace else.  He also likes to search
out anything that's hard plastic i.e. the bottom of shoes, toys and will
chew or hide them.  He likes to play in tunnels or be pulled around on a
sheet.  Nevar is not very good with the litter pan especially if it is
dirty or not close by.
Rocky is four and the smaller boy with the black and white colorization.
He is the one with the most personality!  He is the silly, loveable,
playful, social, little bully of the group.  He loves to be with people
and is always very playful and looking for attention from you.  He even
got attached to my husband to the point where he lies at his feet and
would go the door when he came home from work.  He loves to be pulled
around in a tunnel or a sheet and gets very excited and playful.
Unfortunately Rocky is the one with some health problems.  He has had
adrenal surgery and it was on the right side which means he may lose his
hair again when he is older.  He also had a problem with bloody diarrhea
but the vets couldn't figure out what it was.  So, Rocky only eats ferret
food, one kind of ferret treat and we took all the stuffed toys out of
the room(occasionally he will eat a cheerio) and we haven't had the
problem since.  He likes to pick on Nevar, sometimes making Nevar holler
so we break them up but generally plays nice.  Rocky, like Isabo is very
good with the litter pan in the room and out and about.
This is Adrian, she's our "Disney" character.  Her hair always looks wild
and like she just woke up.  I guess that's appropriate because she's the
sleeper of the group.  Adrian's always the last one up and the first one
down.  When she is awake she can be very playful, especially if you have
her squeaky steak.  She also likes my daughter's pacifier which if she
gets a hold of she will hide it from us.  Sometimes you have to remind
her to play nice because she lived in a house with cats and sometimes
gets a little rough.  She loves any kind of treat and will try almost
anything.  Adrian is the other ferret that is not very good with the
litter pan.  Adrian is also four.
Please contact us if interested at
[log in to unmask],
[log in to unmask]
or phone 623-869-8776 ask for Chris or Denise.
Thank You
West Valley Wuzzles! Ferret Breeding
Operators: Kevin & Julie Groninga
mailto:[log in to unmask]
phone: (602)547-0031
fax: (413)473-4262
[Posted in FML issue 4436]