You [Suzi] wrote in the FML:
>I've been hearing some disturbing things about Totally Ferret food.
>That there has been "bad batches" and their "quality control is not
>good" This worries me.  Does any one have any further information?  I
>have an unopened bag and wonder if I should throw it out.  Will I be
>able to tell by sight or smell if it is bad?  Or is there a lot number
>that is bad?  Has it been making ferrets vomit or throw up?
Suzi, Don't let rumors worry you.  Try to verify them in case you have
run into one of the 5% or so which are accurate, but don't let the rumors
themselves panic you.
Yes, they had a problem in the (distant) past with a bad batch of a
supply (and it could be smelled).  EVERY food (or close to every one)
has been through that at some point.
If they ran into again they will be frank about it.
Be careful, though, that you aren't reacting to what happened years ago.
What is GOOD about them is that when it happened they recalled the food
and they made good on each.  That is a lot better than the typical
"cover-it-up" attitude out there in the pet food industry.  I have also
encountered 8 in 1 taking responsibility for itself this way (That one
could be smelled AND seen.).
Be careful of internet rumors; they are virtually always WRONG!
If you go to
you will find the info to help you ask them your questions and to voice
your concerns.  Why not do so?  I've found them to be forthright and
helpful whenever I needed to know something.
[Posted in FML issue 4435]