Just wanted to let everyone know that Winter is doing very well right
now.  He is out of pain and resting comfortably.  The prednisone doses
given him 2x daily over the weekend plus the change in his diet kicking
out chicken and now using turkey and or lamb together has done the trick!
I went for a second opinion.  I got an appointment with the right vet at
the right time this morning with Dr Purcell, who I consider one of the
best vets.  Winter had a very happy exam with her and actually wanted to
play with her at the end.  Even she remarked at how good he looks for his
age.  His weight is good, he looks bright, his "poops" look good ( I even
brought the whole litter pan for her to see-now that's a stool sample).
He's hydrated, good temp, etc.  He is going to the bathroom a lot less
and no more mucous spots!  I realize he is 8 years old and I thank God he
is mine and things worked out the way they did.  As long as he is happy,
eating, out of pain, he will live his life with me.  I'm sure he will let
me know when it is his time.
I just want to thank all you wonderful people that have written me with
your suggestions for help and all.  What a wonderful bunch of caring
people on this list.  For those with sick babies, I hope you find the
help you need for your babies also.  It gets so frustrating, especially
when it always seems to happen on a weekend when vets aren't as easy to
find.  I'd especially like to thank Tom D for always being there for me,
for all the years he has helped me through my "panic sick ferret calls",
thank you Donna C, you are a sweetheart, God bless you!  and thanks Troy
L for taking time out of your night to help and thank you Dr Karen
Purcell for getting back to me and being there at the right time !!!
For those who have lost a baby recently, my sincere condolences.  It is
so hard to lose one.  My heart goes out to you.
Eleanor Mead
[Posted in FML issue 4411]