Hello everyone!  I just wanted to let you know that I got a new ferret to
keep Mocha company since Cleo passed.  I named him Bandit and he is SO
cute!  He is a 10 week old Sable and the first male ferret I've had.  I
have to say he's a lot different than Mocha was when she was his age.  He
doesn't bite at all and was litter trained right away (a few accidents
once in a while, but doing very well).  And he actually likes to be held!
Mocha took to him right away.  They wrestled a little, but the first
night I got him, they were already curled up together in the hammock
together.  I know Mocha misses Cleo, but I think she's feeling much
better, and I'm feeling better, too!
[Posted in FML issue 4430]