Why did we do it.  What made us decide to become a registered charity.?
Was it for the fame?  NO.  In fact we have had so much flack from
suposedly ferret lovers you would not believe it.
Are we going to make radical changes ?  I doubt it very much.  as we are
just one voice and what changes should be made will no doubt come in time
any way, as more and more members of the public learn about the 'Ferret'
as a pet in the UK.
At the momment there are not many kept just as 'Pets' most are working
We did it so that the local public would see us as a dedicated unit
that care for the WELFARE of the ferret in our area and would have
more confidence in helping us to help 'THE FERRET.'
Are we going to join in the witch hunt as we have been urged to do?  NO.
NO.  NO.  we are not interested in others views or politics
we will continue to quietly get on with what we have been doing for three
years now.  part of that time out of our own pockets as just another
ferret lover and then joined forces as DFW to raise money for vets bills.
Now we have the chance to get suport from local companies.  Now they may
listen to us when we ask for their help.
I just hope that others who care for ferrets will follow in our footsteps
and we will wish them good luck.  some one had to be the first and it
just happened to be us..
Bless all those out there who take on the ferrets, be they for re- homing
or not because at the end of the day they hopefully will be giveing them
a quality of life that they may not have had before.
If our goverment wish to bring in rules and regulations then they will do
so regardless of what the British public think.  Lets end the back biting
and get back to takeing care of each other and the furkids.
Ann Badnadge
Bless you and Blessed Be.. Ann
[Posted in FML issue 4428]