I posted once before about my sick little ferret.  My ferret has the
mystery illness that has struck a few kits.  So far she is hanging in
there but she is wasting and I have tried everything I can to get her to
gain.  Her appetite has improved vastly since the onset of this (sometime
late last fall) but she continues to lose and is down to 1 lb 6 oz.  I
was wondering a couple of things, first, do any of you have any
suggestions for high calorie meals for my little baby?  And then the
harder question for me is how long do I continue to fight this battle?
So far she does not seem to be in pain and she likes to be held but she
does not play anymore, she has days where she can wander slowly around
and more days where it seems to be a struggle for her to get to the food
dish.  She has not been able to get her hind end into the litter box for
ages now and has trouble lifting her hiney so we have to clean her
several times a day.  I love my little ferret very much, but I am
beginning to worry that maybe I am hanging on too hard.  The longer my
little ferret lives, the longer my vet has to collaborate with other vets
and specialists about this strange illness.  I know that ultimately this
is a decision I will have to make, but this is my first experience with
owning ferrets and the first time I have been faced with such an illness
in any of my animals.  I thought maybe some of you might have thoughts or
suggestions that would be helpful.
Danielle and Lorelei (my ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 4426]