Me saw letters ta me today!  Then mommi showeded me what she wrote!
I would like ta esplaine why I is the way I is.
You see... I have ta trane them.  yah, I do.  Mommi and Daddy think that
the house is safe.  I just keep them on their toeses to show them where
all the dangers are.  Cause you never know what is gonna happen or who is
gonna come in.
So ya see... I am da tester.  Yah, that's right.  I test things.  I not
realli blonde.  Blonde is like yallow right?  Well I not, cause I gotz
white and silver on me.... just like mommi does.  Opps, don't tell her
I said that cause she try to hide her pretty silver furz on her head
Me put up more pictures of me.  So more of you could see more of me...
and all me colors.
Oh and az for that biting thing with daddi... it's a umm game we play.
He juzt hasn't figured it out yet.  I tri trainin but he kinda slow.
love him anywayz dhough.
Me thinks that you all are very very special.  You always be helpin
others out.  Dhem SOS raffles I be helpin with are doing great!  Me
so happi!  You all alwayz nice to me too.  tank you.
Ok.. off to potty train my babiez again... yez dhey really need it!
Luvz & Hugz,
Princess Pepper
[Posted in FML issue 4415]