>Now, I'm at my limits with the size of my business (sure, go ahead,
>laugh!).  But I did my part for the happy three ferrets who found a
>home with me.
Laugh?  Hell no!  You know your limits and that's *extremely* important.
Good for you!
We also have six who were referrals from our vet or from ads in the
newspaper.  We actually did have to pay for the last two, but much less
than the ad asked for.  This is a good idea.  It's even a good idea to
just call the people and direct them to the nearest shelter.  Most ferret
shelters aren't very well known - I wouldn't hesitate to guess that most
ferret owners don't even know that there IS such as thing as a ferret
missing bear, lancelot and kodi
[Posted in FML issue 4411]