Leanne wrote:
>Im shocked at Alica's and Bob c's statments especially, I mean really.
>I don't understand two of the largest most respected people in the
>ferret community acting as such (Pardon me Im being blunt honest).
Hello Leanne & readers.
I just plainly and in-factly stated I was not impressed -- I am not -
nothing has changed that.
I, IN MY OWN OPINION feel it was all manipulative play to gain attention
to the movie box office opening.  Should I always feel someone is being
honest-- well I can tell you life is not that sweet, or simple.  In the
bright lights of Hollywood the dollar buys a lot of false statements.
If we stroll down memory lane in 1998 the entire ferret community was all
in awe when HSUS Martha Armstrong embraced ferrets -- some felt this was
the break ferrets needed-- indeed a LOT of Hard work & efforts went into
the CDC recommendations at that time too..  BUT what actually happened
after HSUS rep pronounced ferrets a companion animal?
I will tell you, dear Martha was removed from her public position and
HSUS turned 180 degrees on ferrets!  It is taking a long , long time to
try to gain back even part that ground in the humane arena.
I know I was in fact was travelling to monthly NH humane federation
meetings for more than 5 years representing this shelter - fighting an
uphill battle to get ferrets accepted as animals needing the protection
of shelters.  it still is not accepted!.
You have no idea what is beyond the ferret rescue community my dear - I
will tell you it is not pretty not for our pets we need more education
for humane workers as well as the MISGUIDED public.!
I will not be told that I can not have an opinion - and i was not rude --
but I WILL BE VOCAL for something I believe in strongly.  I pick up the
pieces of broken ferrets - I also hear the incredible excuses why humans
are allowed to discard and sometimes dismember these animals and I will
not be censored.
Respected??  - If I am respected it is because I am not about to sit back
and be manipulated by pet stores, ferret mills or actors and actresses.
IMO We are all allotted only a small time on this earth to do what we
can to make it better-- for some strange reason I found a niche in the
ferrets corner - and I will continue to speak loudly for them.  I am not
seeking my fortune here, not exploiting my cause - I am not asking for
anything - I ask only not to be censored, and not to be damned for being
If this is RUDE ?, so be it... there is more to be done to help ferrets
and it is not by courtseying to high paid and overrated actors who
delight in damning the animal they are upstaged by!
I have said ALL I intend to say on this issue, and I do not feel I am
rude - I admit I am very forthright-- it is required if you want to be
heard above the din!
Fondly for ferrets-
Alicia D.
a volunteer caregiver at
  www.ferretwise.org  a 501c3 org.
[Posted in FML issue 4397]