A funny thing happened at the shelter this week.  Mommie is SOOOO
embarrassed!  She was holding Phil on Monday and kissing him and cooing
at him.  She gasped when she noticed what she thought was a "wire" in
his belly.  it was sticking up and really hard.
Mommie started to poke at it, looking at Phil and asking if it hurt!
Phil just gazed at her with a goofy look on his face.  mommie kept poking
at it in horror that it didn't hurt him....then she realized exactly WHAT
she was poking at!  She giggled to herself when she realized it was his
"wee wee".  Needless to say, Phil was "fixed" the very next day :)  Poor
i can't believe mommie didn't know what she was "poking at", she's seen
MANY unaltered boys.  mommie says Phil is different, he was REALLY well
endowed!  lol!  mommie's a freak!
mommie is going away for a whole month.  She's going to San Fran to visit
Mandrake & Stevie on the 22nd and then off to Scotland on the 28th to
spread grandma's ashes.  Grandma is tickled at the idea she's going to go
to Scotland.  She really wanted to go before she got sick, but never did.
SO, now mommie is taking her there to spread part of her ashes on her
great-granny's grave.
Since mommie is going away, i may not be able to post the happenings at
the shelter.  you know, i ALWAYS follow mommie wherever she goes and i
usually can't keep up with her and write at the same time.  BUT, i'll
try my best :)
Puppy continues to do really well and is playing and dancing all over the
place :) Dee was hospitalized this week for sever dehydration, but she
seems to be mostly over it.  She's lost more weight again but seems to be
on the mend.  Her hair is coming in BEAUTIFULLY and she's got a little
brush cut :)
Barbie is on Florinef.  Her hormone levels are a bit whacked out since
she now has no adrenals.  She's eating better and hopefully this will put
her on the mend.
Billy still isn't doing so great.  He has an appointment on Saturday
morning to see the vet and hopefully get better.  Please keep him in your
Ken & Boddington are doing GREAT after surgery and Bod's hair has already
started growing in again!  Ken will be going in for his hip surgery next,
but the shelter is waiting until March when mommie's back from the UK.
Until then, he'll continue on pain meds.
Hope you all have a super duper week!
All my love, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4396]