Did anyone catch the show this morning?  She, of course, was discussing
her movie and while I'm not one to fly off the handle on things, she did
piss me off.  Let me try my best to remember her quotes.
"They have like no spine."
"It just did this Linda Blair, head spin thing, and bit him for no
"They stink."
"Did you know they have a magazine?!  Yeah, this woman (the trainer) had
pictures of ferrets all over her shirt!  She told me they had a magazine
and we (Ben and Jen) were on it."--she was making fun, btw.  Joy Behar
joined in as well.  Joy said, "People keep them as pets, ya know.
They're like little minks.  You can make fur coats out of them."
When asked if the ferret had gotten hurt, Jen said, "Oh no.  The ferret
was fine." and kind of rolled her eyes like it was a shame.  Then she
added, "Only Ben got hurt."
The new co-host, Elizabeth, said they creeped her out.  That they're like
elongated rats.
It was saddening to hear.  There was a lot of misinformation put out
there, which is soooo not cool.  Joy Behar even made it a point to say
that ferret lovers/owners needed to get a life, after finding out there
are ferret magazines out there.  Apparently it's okay to have dog, cat,
horse, etc. magazines, but not ferret magazines.  Sigh...
It's one thing to not like ferrets, be scared of them, etc. but yet not
spread misinformation and quite another to blow things out of proportion
and damage the already bad reputation ferrets have (thanks to idiots like
these people).
[Posted in FML issue 4395]