I have never ever said anything but praises about FAITH HOOD to anyone I
have ever talked to.  If anyone has miss understood what I said please
let me clairify.
We adopted Fluff who was a biter back in February, FAITH HOOD that
wonderful Florence Nightengale of the ferret world said fluff had been
brought back to the shelter several times.  I told her that I would never
bring Fluff back.  We were determined to be patient with Fluff and it
paid off.  Now concerning the other ferrets that we got that were older I
called her (FAITH HOOD) and asked if she had any ferrets that were not as
easy to adopt out ; older or what ever , she said she did and because of
her caring nature offered them ( Wheezy and Furry Tube ) to us for no
donation and she said not to worry about it because she wanted them to
have a good home , I was overwhelmed by Faith's care for the ferrets .
She is an inspiration to me .
Another occasion Faith did call me and said that a person had called her
and wanted to give up their ferrets and was I interested I said yes and
she gave me their phone number we adopted those two ( Ferris and Chewy)
Ferris is older and hypoglocemic hope I spelled that correctly, I thought
that Faith had called me because of the good job we were doing with the
ferrets and if anybody who read my other emergency call for help email
thinks that she dumped sick ferrets on us or thinks that I felt that way
thats not true and I apologize if it sounded that way( I may need help
with my writing skills) on the contrary FAITH HOOD is a SUPERHEROINE to
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!  she has done so much for those little ones who we
I did make the comment that I would not send them to their death alone .
Sending ferrets to FERRETSR1 Shelter and Rescue is not sending them to
their death .  I did not mean that the way it was taken , I'm very upset
right now we are being evicted from a beautiful house in warrenton VA.
because people hate ferrets , and if I were to give the ferrets back to
Faith , I feel I have abandoned them , and cannot bear it !  Faith will
always be there loving those ferrets sick or healthy .  These ferrets are
part of my family and if I take them to a shelter I will not be there
with them when they pass away.  Thats all I meant , But as for FAITH HOOD
shes a wonderful person!!!!!!!  Gene (540)341-7575
[Posted in FML issue 4395]