Here in Littleton Colorado with one, soon to be seven years old, female
sable ferret named Fenway and two dogs, Teddi and Salem.  Fenway is the
"BIGGEST" dog!
Also, just wondering if anyone has experienced this:
Fenway's favorite toy is me.  She will come and grab my finger while I
am sitting on the couch and drag me(well, I really crawl with her) up to
her special place under the guest bed.  Yes, she will hold my finger the
whole way across two rooms and up 13 steps.  She will then get in her
bed and hold my finger with her little front paws until she falls asleep.
Once she is asleep, I will sneak back downstairs.  If she was not fully
asleep, she will come back down and we will do it all over again.
Sometimes if I hide my hands and she can't grab hold of my finger, the
she will climb the back of the couch or chair and tug on my ear!  It is
so adorable!  I am the only one she does this too, unless I am not
around, then she will settle for her daddy or her ducky.  But it is
usually me.  She has been doing this since I got her nearly 4 years ago
from the shelter.  Anyone out there experienced this???
[Posted in FML issue 4380]