Well Bugz didn't go in for surgery today... well... ok he did... but he
didn't have it...
I went to get him out of the tunnel he was sleeping in this morning and
found him out of it... crashed again.  This is his 2nd time crashing....
so, I took him to the vet hoping that he was just tired.  He slept in my
jacket the whole ride up there (about 20 min).
The vet said that it looks like he is having trouble still with his
heart.  He was started on lasiks a couple of days ago for an enlarged
heart.  She listened to it and said it sounded better than it did before
but still not perfect.... keep in mind Bugz is 11 years old.
So she gave me a prescription for Canoxir or something... it will help
his heart beat stronger.
I am to call next week to schedule the surgery to get his tooth pulled.
Now... last night he was just running around and playing.  Swollen face
GONE.  I think he just did this this morning cause he didn't want to go
to the "dentist"!
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
There's a pot of Ferret Love at the end of the Rainbow
[Posted in FML issue 4394]