My Jeffry has had adrenal surgery twice now.  The first time the vet took
out his left adrenal.  After a brief recovery he was back to his bouncy
self.  That was two years ago.  Last fall he had half of his right one
taken out.  He was back to his normal self within a week and now is fat
and furry again.  My vet said that he's never had any luck taking out
the whole right adrenal and that by taking out half of it we have gained
about a year of health.  Jeffry seems in perfect health right now.  His
fur is a little patchy where it's growing in, but that just makes him all
the cuter!  Jeffry did great through both surgeries.  I was a basket case
both times!!  I'm a little neurotic about the babies.  He did figure out
how to play on my sympathies for extra treats, the little ham!
By the way, if you can get to Nashville, my vet does the surgery for
around $200.  He's fabulous with the weasels and only does exotics.  He
is THE ferret vet in town.
Anne in TN
[Posted in FML issue 4394]