We had really great luck with Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile Soap.  You
will find it in bar form at your local health food store.  The ferrets
love the smell and it doesn't hurt them if they get a little taste of it.
The only thing is - it is very drying to their skin.  If you use it, be
sure to condition their coats after you bathe them.  I read about this on
Ferret Central.  The soap is supposed to repel the fleas.  It worked for
us.  We have not had any fleas since.  Hope this helps someone.
Tracy and the Gang
Matrix, Nikita, Annabelle, Sasquatch, Galadriel, Smeagal, Ebby, Daily and
To be loved by one fert is an honor, but to be loved by nine is truely
[Posted in FML issue 4394]