Hi All.  Just wanted to add my 2 cents about the "Along Came Polly"
movie.  I never liked Ben Stiller... period.  Never liked his movies,
never saw his movies either.  I never liked Jennifer Aniston, never liked
"Friends" either.  I am surprised that in California where ferrets are
illegal that they actually had one for that film.  Did they have the fish
and game people there to make sure the ferret would not escape?  I saw a
preview on tv and I did not like the idea of the ferret ( while being
walked on the leash ) running into the garbage can.  Yes we know our
little furkids can run amok into things in our homes, but I think I would
keep an eye on where my fuzzie was walking!  I'll keep my hard earned
money and not see the movie.  Instead, I'm gonna buy some treats for my
I really think someone who is good with a camcorder or knows of someone
in a film making class should do a documentary on ferrets and the people
who love them and send that to Hollywood!  Fight the good fight
California!!!!  Tell Arnold to legalize ferrets!!
And now to get some treats......
Patty Bazar & fuzzies: Frisky, Vincent, Shelby, Eddie jr
the missing:  Newton and Sunshine at the Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4394]