Hi, Every-body!!
I'm new to this list, and I would like to talk about that new movie with
the ferret in it, Along Came Polly.  I love ferrets (I have two: Frodo
and Podo) but I've been really disappointed by the things the actors have
had to say about that poor little ferret!
Did you see the awful things Ben Stiller said about being bitten by the
ferret on The Tonight Show?  Yeah, I understand the ferret did bite him
but I read somewhere else that just prior to that, he was running down
the street with the ferret (for a shot in the movie) and he was probably
clutching the poor thing too tight.  It _is_ an animal, after all.  It
doesn't understand what's going on.  Ben Stiller didn't even need one
stitch from what I understand, but here he is whining and crying about a
nip from a 3 pound ferret while also in the news this week is a woman
getting her face practically bitten off by a mountain lion.  Now there's
a reason to cry!  These very well-paid actors are so spoiled.
And then he goes on to say that he thinks ferrets should be illegal
in California.  What an irresponsible thing to say.  He had one bad
experience with one ferret, and now he's saying they should all be banned
and he's the instant expert on this.  He also scoffed when Jay Leno asked
if he (Ben) was concerned that ferret lovers might ruin his career.  I
guess he doesn't realize how easy it is to lose fans and who pays his
Then I saw on the Premiere magazine online, where Jennifer Aniston said
she, quote, _HATED_ the ferret.  The ferret didn't even bite her, and
she also said, "At the end of the day, it's just a big rat."  I really
can't comprehend the sheer animosity toward this one little animal.  If
Jennifer Aniston "hates" animals, I sure hope she doesn't wind up having
kids and teaching them her same hateful ways toward nature.  I used to
like her, too!
I saw on another list that there is a way to write to these actor's
publicists.  Let's write, and hit them where it hurts.  Without fans,
they've got no career.  Without their career, they can't afford their
gas guzzling Humvees and 25 room mansions in Beverly Hills.
Ms. Jennifer Aniston
c/o Stephen Huvane
Publicist, PMK/HBH
8500 Wilshire Blvd # 700
Beverly Hills,  Calif 90211
Mr. Ben Stiller
c/o Kelly Bush
Publicist, I/D PR
8409 Santa Monica Blvd.
W. Hollywood, Calif 90069
Also, you might wanna write to Jay Leno (who has cats, at least) and tell
him thanks for not agreeing with that jerk.  Leno wasn't even laughing.
Okay, I'm stepping down from my soapbox! (o:
Glad to be a part of the list!!
[Posted in FML issue 4393]