Many of you have followed this story on ClubMedFerrets or on Pooflingers.
Many of you have helped us.I am here groveling again asking for donations
to help Dorcas Freidel.
Dorcas left Spring Texas,last week on her way to Arizona to pick up a
ferret in Joanne Ruffners Shelter,(to relocate it to Wyoming) on her way
to her new start in Utah.Everything she owns plus her 4 ferrets,4 cats,a
chin,a snapping turtle and a cockateil,were in her little car.(ELEVEN
PETS!) 120 miles before El Paso,in the dark of the night..  Dorcas's car
broke down.With $160.00 in her pocket she was stranded,alone & afraid...
if you know highway 10 along that route you will understand.Nothing for
miles & miles but illegal aliens crossing the border...
She called.I hit both message boards for donations for a motel for the
night.Jan came to our rescue;) That night turned into 4 nights...the only
repair shop in Van Horn Texas had no parts.Her transmission was blown.
They would need to find a transmission & have it brought to their shop.
El Paso,120 miles away.
We knew this was BAD news so more help was needed.Lisa Ludbig mailed me
a Carlas number who lived in El Paso the next largest town.I called &
left a message of Dorcas plight.Carla took over like a mother hen.Called
me last night with tow truck in place for today (a family friend) and a
shop picked out.OMG!
Carla called me this morning.All Dorcas's pets were safely being tucked
in by her son & Dorcas was in the tow truck on the way to the repair
Bad News;(
Rare tranny is 450.00.Labor 300.00 plus 40 dollars tax.
The ClubMedFerrets Emergency fund now has 500.00 with donations,we are
donating.  Not nearly enough.Dorcas had $160.00 left.The tow was $150.00
which left her $10.00 for gas & food to AZ & Utah..... The original tow
bill of $75.00 has to be paid as well.  Not including the car repair
I'm thinking we need $450.00 more.
The shops number in ElPaso is 1-915-594-0101
They will accept credit cards or debit for ANY amount of payment.  I am
between checks or i would have 200.00 to give Dorcas,but not until a week
from Wednesday;((
I'm trying to find someone who knows me who will trust me & cover it
until i can return their favor but until then,just any amount will help.
Call the shop & give your number..????
God Bless & Thanks for reading this.A true Emergency as until this is
paid Dorcas & eleven animals are stuck in El Paso.Bless Carla!
All our Thanks & Love,
Tara & Dorcas
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4392]