Hey Shelley,
>I sure hope I'm just panicking and it's just my body getting used to new
>ferret oils.
I bet that is the case.  I'm actually allergic to cats, though I have two
of them.  For the first two months I dated my husband, I had to take
Actifed before I went over there or I would sneeze, have runny eyes, the
whole nine yards.  After a couple of months, it was fine.  BUT, I can
walk into a room with a new cat, and if I stay longer than an hour, the
allergy starts again.  Each animal has a little different quality to
their skin oils (which I guess *could* be attributed to adrenal disease,
but I dunno).
Good luck!
Aromatic plants bestow no spicy fragrance while they grow; but crush'd
or trodden to the ground, diffuse their balmy sweets around.
-Oliver Goldsmith
[Posted in FML issue 4392]