Hi all, as you hopefully all know SaraFerret (me) is temporary gatekeeper
at de bridge until Sandee's Hooman is back in shape.  (Sandee warned me
that if I screw up I will be in detention for such a long time--shudder)
Well I saw dis beautiful ferret trotting across de bridge (I should look
that good).  I introduced myself and she asked where was Sandee as that
was who she had been told was the gatekeeper.  I told her I was a temp
and she looked at me and sort of sniffed--I admitted to her that it is
quite a shock seeing a girl ferret decked out in a safari outfit --topee
and all with a halo (bent) over her hat and bent wings (as I never
remember to unstrap them when I goes to sleep).  Well after I explained
why I wasnt the perfect beauty that is usually up here (de Boss laughed
at me when he saw me at de bridge dat he decided to keep my small head de
way it was because he said I was always good for a laugh--guess all dat
perfection gets to Him sometimes) well den she said well that sounds good
and she had to admit it was kinda cute outfit.
Well I got dis beautiful ferret all decked out with de halo and de
strap-on wings and I said well den we will check out possibilities as to
where she might want to stay--well she wants new ferrets to hang around
with but she still wants to see her buddies that had been there before--I
asked her well didnt you see all dem sitting on clouds shouting hey girl
when you came across.  She said she didnt as she had been rather nervous.
But she did say when she got thru laffing at my appearance that it did
put her more at ease.
I told her dat she had her choices if she wanted--dere were the blue
clouds and pink clouds and gray clouds or a mixture of dem.  Or she could
hang her hammie and toys close to de boys who hang around de kibbles
garage.  Well she informed me she wasnt that kind of girl--told her I
didnt mean dat but sometimes girls gets tired of hanging wit just girls
and sometimes de guys are good for laffs after dey fall all over
demselves when they spot a pretty girl furry.
She said well I can understand dat.  But I tells her we is all equal
here no matter how pretty or fetchin we was on de earth before our last
So she decides on de pink clouds and wow did she start decorating I mean
dis girl is a genius interior decorator--before I knew it--a canopy
hammie was hanging and another fancy lace hammy from new toys she found
up here as we all know we bring nothing but ourselves across de bridge.
She did wonder how I knew her name and all.  I said well her mommy posted
to de writing of de ferret parents and dat was how my mommy knew and she
wanted to pass on her love of Hannah and all to her.
She sniffled a little bit and a large tear went down the side of her
face.  She said are dey really upset--I was so afraid dey would be as
dey wanted me to stay longer but it was my time to cross de bridge-not
like I wanted to go.  So dey gave me permission to cross and end all dat
pain--like me she doesnt care for dat 24/7 pain trip.  But she was so
happy now dat she saw all de pretty things here.  I told her dat tomorrow
after she was settled in because I knew dat showing too much in one day
can be quite taxing--I would show her all de other pretty things--I
showed her where de fruit and kibble buffet were--esp.  for the girls-
caus dey dont much care for de guys kibble garage.  Oh and she admired de
layout--I glowed and told her dat I had helped in fixing a special place
for us girls to eat wit lacy things and all dat.  She wanted me to pass
on to her parents not to worry--she understood all and dat she was so
happy to be painfree and able to fly and all dat.  I knew dat would make
her parents happy.
On another subject--sigh--dont anyone ever listen--de fml is still
bickering in public yet.  It looks so bad specially for us furries up
here to see parents misbehave in public.  It isnt nice to argue publicly
in front of your furkids--it makes dem nervous.
So until another time I will say farewell
[Posted in FML issue 4391]