Several years ago Dr. Bruce Williams recommended that I give a sick
ferret of mine Gerber Stage 2 Chicken Baby food.  Offer it to her on your
finger and see if she will lick it off.  We actually had to "force feed"
our ferret small amounts until he would eat it on his own.  As Dr.
Williams said, the only bad thing is that she might get hooked on it!  I
have another ferret now that will climb my jeans to get high enough to
look on the counter to see if there's Gerber there.  We call her our
"Gerber fert"!  lol She was given to us by our local pet store who had
taken her in on consignment.  She wasn't eating (probably stressed since
her cage mate had been sold) and was obviously going to die.  They gave
her to us, and we gave her Gerber, which saved her life.  That was 4
years ago!  Give it a try.  Keep us posted!
Rhea & the Crew of 5--Rascal, Oliver, Elvira, Chessie (the Gerber Fert)
and Tubby
[Posted in FML issue 4391]