First time posting here, so please don't pounce on me all at once.
We rescued our first ferret last year.  He was found abandoned in a
country lane in Kent by my husband's boss.  Covered in ticks and fleas,
my husband and I offered to take Ernie in and try to give him a better
life.  We are fortunate to have an excellent veterinary surgery near our
home, doctors that are very familiar with ferrets and who are good to our
ever-expanding family of 4 little carpet sharks (all rescues).  I am, by
the way, very familiar with ferrets as my daughter (in the U.S.) has had
8 in one go at one point, now 6 and all rescues.  She became a veterinary
nurse to take care of all of them.
However, with Ernie, his infestation was so bad that he was going weak
and anaemic.  He has so many ticks and fleas on him that the vet
recommended a half dose of Frontline for kittens to try and kill the
offenders before Ernie could even be considered for neutering.  Within
a short period of time, we noticed all of the fleas had died and the
ticks were slowly, but surely, coming off.  Within two weeks, Ernie was
on the road to recovery and fit for his operation, which he came through
So as for my husband, myself, and our four little Ferts, if it wasn't for
that application of Frontline, well, I don't know what would have become
of Ernie.
Thanks for listening,
D. Hungate
[Posted in FML issue 4391]