Hi all -
I definantly enjoy this mailing list and am thankful to the one that
pointed me in this direction.
I'm a new ferret owner, though a roomate of mine had several in the past.
I noticed today that Lena has blue irises.  Is this common in ferrets?
Does a certian coat color make this happen?
Also, I believe she is deaf, hard of hearing or just suffering from
selective hearing.  Some examples: I can be in the room her cage is in
moving books and furnature and she doesnt stir at all.  She sleeps away
in her towel.  Once, when she was loose I turned on the carpet steam
cleaner.  She ran up to it in a curious fashion and then went off to
play.  I ended up in the room she was in and she didnt even turn to greet
me until I was maybe three feet away from her and I think that could have
been due to the vibrations it makes on the floor.  She wasnt alarmed at
all - she is a little warrior!
She was a free range ferret before I took her in and I am working on that
here.  She is pretty good, but I am learning to ferret proof the house -
fast!  She went under the 'fridge and couldnt get out.  I had to take the
grate off the front to help her escape.  When she came out she wasnt the
wite-ish she normally is, instead she was a beautiful dusty gray!
I'm having a hard time finding a ferret forum, so I created one of my
own.  While it is basically dead I'm posting questions as I think of them
either for future reference, so I can post them to forums I find, or in
the hopes someone will join and answer.  While I'm not trying to solicite
it, here's the URL:
in case you want to stop by - if this is inappropriate to post in this
mailing list I apologize and it can be removed if you see it fit.
[It's totally appropriate!  BIG]
Another topic I wanted to touch was "heroic measures" some owners go to
to help a beloved furkid.  Each animal is an individual, and each needs
to be treated accordingly, with love respect and their best interest in
mind.  Not all illnesses happen at once and a timeframe often plays an
important part in decisions made.  Everything must be weighed, of course,
but through love, dedication and determination things can be worked
through and quality of life can be maintained.  I do applaud anyone that
goes the extra mile to make an animal comfortable.  I also applaud those
that make the decision to let an animal go when the time is right.  Both
of these go hand in hand, and it is a sign of a stong person to know how
to balance the two measures.
As for fleas, general medications, diets and so forth, are there any
holistic avenues to go through for a ferret keeper?  As I learn more
about these fine creatures I wonder what all is available.  I have worked
in rescue and shelters for 11 years and I foster an assortment of animals
ranging from mill rescues to injured, abused and ill animals, Many times
I have found that holistic treatments, BARF diets and going that "extra
mile" can drastically alter an animals life for the better through effort
and dedication that may be time consuming at times, but a bit easier on
the pocketbook.  While I NEVER skimp on an animals vetting or medications
needed I often find help from less than average (well known) methods.
On the subject of diet - what is your ferrets feeding schedule,
normal intake and diet of choice?  I read of many different options,
recomendations, warnings and suggestions.  While I read that cat foods
are not good for ferrets I read that certian ones are great for them.
In the time ferrets have been pets has noone come across a proper ferret
formula, or have I missed information in my readings?
I'm sure I'll have more to add, as I tend to ramble and go astray at
times, but I think this posting is quite long enough for now.  Thank
you all for reading.
[Posted in FML issue 4391]