Hi all, I haven't posted in ages so I thought I would.
My name is Erin, I currently have 4 ferrets.  2 Silvermitts, 1 DEW, and 1
that I forget the color, he looks like a cream colored Panda.  I used to
have 7, we lost my original 3 recently to adrenal cancer that we had been
fighting.  but the rest are doing well.
But mostly, I met a good friend on this list years ago, and I have lost
their new email address. I'm hoping they are still on the list and will
contact me when they see this.
Also if Amy is still on this list, and the lady I rescued Stitches from,
I just want to let them know, she is doing really well, she's feisty and
is now the ruler of the business here.
Erin Maloney (Larson)
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[Posted in FML issue 4390]