Hello my friends.  I have a few sad things to tell you and many happy
things.  There are two new, shining stars in the sky tonight.  Their
names are Boo Bear & Lily.
Auntie (Dr.) Karen Purcell visited the shelter this weekend and donated
her time and energy to perform surgeries on many of the ill shelter kids.
Boo & Lily were just two of them.  Boo had a tumor bigger than a closed
fist in his belly.  When Dr. Karen opened him up, she was originally
really optimistic that she could remove it.  Then she saw the tumor had
grown straight through the entire vena cava (main heart artery).  Mommie
and the Doc made the tough decision not to wake Boo Bear up and now he
is here with me, thin, running and pain free.  He is very thankful to Dr.
Karen for trying her best.
Lily came to the shelter from the Toronto Humane Society on Friday night.
She was 7 years old and her x-rays showed what looked like a HUGE hair
ball.  Since Dr. Karen was here doing surgeries anyway, she wanted to
help out poor Lily.  When they opened Lily up, she did not have a
hairball, but Lymphoma.  Her heart stopped before anything could be done,
Lily had chosen not to come back to them.  She too is here with me,
young, happy and running.  Her legs are no longer weak from the cancer.
Also this weekend, Barbie, Ken, Billy, Boddington & Starling had surgery
with the Dr. Karens (Purcell & Regan) and Dr. Al.  Barbie's right adrenal
was taken out, Boddington's left adrenal was taken out, and they are
doing well although Barbie will need to be watched as she already had
her left adrenal out.  Billy had a right adrenal removed and a vena cava
ligation.  He's doing well, but not out of the woods.  Starling had a
huge right adrenal that was attached to her liver, kidney & the vena
cava so they opted not to do her surgery but to use Lupron instead.
The shelter was told by a reputable hospital that Ken had a HUGE right
adrenal gland, that was invading the vena cava.  The hospital told them
that because Ken had an ultrasound supposedly showing that.  SO, Ken's
surgery was done last and only the best surgical instruments were put out
for him.  mommie was a nervous wreck and kept telling the Dr. Karens that
they had to keep him alive.  (Not too much pressure <grin> )
When the docs opened Ken up, they couldn't see his right adrenal gland!
On a closer look, Ken's right glad was totally normal!  So, they looked
further and found that Ken's LEFT adrenal was quite large but NO WHERE
near the vena cava!  His surgery was a success and he's at home with his
Barbie girl thanks to the Dr. Karens!
Please keep Billy & Barbie in your thoughts.  Both kids are not outta hot
water yet and will have to be watched closely.
Our Puppy was meant to have surgery for his adrenal problem, but
couldn't.  When he was x-rayd before surgery, Dr. Karen Regan found a LOT
of fluid in his chest.  The fluid was drained (a whole 3 cc's!) and histo
shows it's related to heart failure.  Puppy was put on diuretics and is
doing very well!  He is playing with his pal, Voodoo and the shelter has
decided to find the pair a home together.  None of the volunteers have
ever seen Puppy so happy as he is with his new pal :)  He's running
through tubes and even war dancing lol!
Dee isn't so well.  Auntie Bonnie & uncle Nigel told mommie on Saturday
evening that Dee had lost over 150 grams since last week.  Her hair is
coming in beautifully, but she was really dehydrated late Saturday night.
Dr. Purcell sub-q'd her and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon!  Dee
also had her anal glands expressed by Dr. Karen because they were HUGE
(PEE YOO!  The shelter is stinky now lol!  what ever possessed them to do
this indoors is beyond me!  I'm sooooo glad i'm all the way up here and
can't smell it myself <g>).
Mommie had a terrific surprise this week!  Last October, while she was at
Ferrets 2003, she met and befriended auntie Melinda (Ferrets Anonymous)
from California.  mommie coveted auntie Melinda's BEAUTIFUL, rhinestone
flip-flops the entire weekend.....she even went as far to steal them
off her feet and parade around saying "look how pretty my feet look!".
Auntie Melinda found flip-flops similar to the ones from Atlanta and sent
them to mommie!  She just HAD to rub it in that mommie couldn't wear them
right now because of the snow in Canada!!!  Mommie wears them around the
house anyway :) If any of you know Melinda, can you please tell her my
mommie was super thrilled to have the flip-flops?  Mommie can't find her
e-mail addy.
mommie and the FAS volunteers were so happy to have Dr. Karen in Toronto
for a long weekend.  They all had fun and appreciated her doing so many
surgeries for them.  They also appreciated, the Animal Hospital of High
Park for discounting surgery time costs as much as they could and helping
out sooooooo much with all the surgeries.  Auntie Paige was their shuttle
for the weekend and made life so much easier.  Thanks to everyone
involved, many kids are healthier!
All my love always, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4389]