Hi all, this is SaraFerret aka THE BITER (heheh)
SandeeFerret came to me in desperation to ask me to have my mommy do a
favor for her mommy.  Here I was painting my pawnails a beautiful shade
of chartreuse and now I have this major crisis on my paws.  Seems her
Hooman has a pinched nerve in her neck--bet that ouches.
So I whispered to Mommy when she was sort of drifting off to sleep which
is the best way to get her to do something major--she will agree to
almost anything when I catch her at that mommet.  Hey Mommy, Sandee's
mommy is not feeling well.  She told me that yes, Sandee's mommy had
indeed contacted her, but she told her she would have to clear it with
me, but I knew my mommy would do it.
So temporarily until Sandee's mommy gets back in shape and hopefully,
my mommy's pinched nerve wont give her too much trouble, SaraFerret is
temporary gatekeeper.  For those who dont care for my posts, please hold
on to them until Sandee's mommy is feeling better-maybe in a month.
So angeled ferrets earth parents cant contact me at my email address and
Mommy said she would let me know who to check on.
Also it seems dat dere is a George who has been angeled and a Chloe-she
couldnt tell me anything about dem.  So here I go--dere was 5 Georges who
were angeled on dat date and 10 Chloes.  Now to check on dese ferrets
since I didnt meet dem at de bridge
No descriptions.  Sigh.  I will do de best-if I get de wrong George let
Mommy know and I will track de right furries--same with Chloe.
I put on my dashing safari outfit and tromped off to de first George's
place.  Wow he a a good looking guy.  I told him my mission which was
dat his parents were wonderin how he was doing.  First of all he showed
me around and den he commented on my outfit-he said he likes outdoorsey
girls who like to travel around and I blushed clear down to my tail.  He
is so happy here--spends most of his time hanging out wit his buddies at
de fruit bar and kibbles garage where most of de guys hang out to see de
latest wheels to get around up here.  He said he misses his earth family
but he is really blissfully happy wit no pain or hurts.  He says dat he
watches over his family every day and knows he will see dem when dey
crosses de bridge.
So scratches dat name off de list.  And wouldnt ya know it, de Chloes are
clear over on de other side --so Is straps on my wings and try my best
to get my halo over that stupid hat dat Sandee says I have to wear.  Ya
know does safari hats--not de neat Aussie ones, but de Brit ones--think
dey call it a topee or somthing.  I found a Chloe over dere and asked
her if her earth family reads de FML--She seemed quite taken aback at
my appearance and I told her dat I was serving (just temporarily as
emergency gatekeeper and question answerer).  She said dat for sure her
family reads de fml--where else would dey learn so much about us.  She
was so pretty--wish I looked like dat-unfortunately when I crossed de
bridge de Boss laughed so much at how I looked dat He left me like dat
with de small head but gave me all beautiful new fur.
Oh she said I am so happy here and I saw she had hung her hammy from
beautiful blue clouds and had all of her furniture jes so--hmmm-thinking
of de trash bin I live in--its my fault I jes cant seem to straighten up
any thing.  She just loves it since she crossed over here but she misses
her earth family dat she left behind, but it was so great not having pain
24/7 with yucky needles and meds.  I remember all dat.  She sends her
best to de family she left behind.
I sure hopes dat I got de right George and Chloe--hard to tell wit no
Oh and to de folks dere at FML--dont bicker and be nasty--make a
resolution to make nice for at least a month and maybe it will become
natural an d keep on happening the rest of de year.  Ya dont want to
embarrass yer angeled ferrets and make them feel bad,
SaraFerret and Mommy
[Posted in FML issue 4389]