hi, reguarding the use of frontline i have used it on various amimals,
cats , dogs & ferrets with no adverse reactions.  i have also seen the
garbage on the ferrets about web site, now saying it shouldnt be used
on any mammal even thoese its licenced for, this is worrying lots of
people, my self included, so i contacted merial who make the stuff & had
a reply yesterday, i am 100% sure its safe to use on my animals when its
needed, in any case i used it on 2 kittens who were so flea ridden that
there gums were white & near death , in my opinion frontline spray saved
there lives, as no doubt some of the other flea treatments would have
also have done the same, but as you can use it on pups & kittens from 2
days old it was fine for the litle scraps of bones we had last year.
its iresponsible to go & shout from the roof tops with out any form of
concrete proof, so i hope the good working relationships built up between
british ferret owners & there vets isnt damaged, as up untill 4 or 5 yrs
ago many of us found it hard to find a vet willing to treat ferrets
we will end up with no ferrets being treated at all, at the end of the
day what my vet treats my animal with is of no concern of anyone but
myself & the vet
[Posted in FML issue 4388]