Don't get me wrong, I'm not a man-hater.  But...I was raised with a
sense of responsibility towards the animals that I bring into my home.
Basically their life is in my hands and it is up to me to see that they
are well cared for and healthy.  If they are not healthy, it is my
responsibility to do what I can to provide the medical care necessary
to rectify the situation.  If renewed health is not possible, it is my
responsibility to see that I do what I can to make the remainder of their
lives as comfortable and happy as possible.  That is my choice and that
is my responsibility.
For me, if there is a gentleman in my life that cannot respect my sense
of responsibility and caring for my pets, then they need to be "reraised
from childhood".  Typically objections are based on convenience or
comfort...tell me, how does me spending maybe a half hour per day feeding
and cleaning litterboxes hurt another?  Okay the ferrets have a smell
(well how about those sneakers?).  I can understand the distaste to
the carpet poops, but I make an effort to be up first in the morning
to pick up evidence, and home from work first to do the same.  I know
my boyfriend cringes at my 7 1/2 year old, blind ferret who poops
everywhere.  But Critter has had a long life and I will not lock him
in a cage and make the rest of his life miserable because he makes the
carpet smell...please!  That is just outright selfish.
I've told my boyfriend, who really does not like the ferrets and thinks
I'm crazy, to look at it this way...If I care so much for an old feeble
ferret, it's only safe to say that he will be cared for just as well, if
not better if the need arose.  If it ever came to an ultimatum, I would
never want to spend my life with someone who wishes to control it.
[Posted in FML issue 4388]