Many of you are familiar with my tiny sable girl Maru.  At a whopping 1
and 1/2 pounds she apparently presents herself to be quite a formidable
foe.....Read on......
The apartment next to me is vacant.  Management is giving people keys and
sending them over to look at the apartment next to me, by themselves.  A
fact I was unaware of.  Anyway, the other day I was doing laundry (the
machines are right outside the door), and I had left the door open for
the ferts to play in the hall.  Maru had come out and was playing at the
other end of the hall.  A gentleman from India had apparently been inside
the aforementioned vacant apartment, had finished, and had come out into
the hall.  I heard a strangling sort of choking kind of noise, and look
down the hall to see this poor Indian man backed up against the wall with
his hands above his head, staring at little Maru in horror.  I asked him
if he was okay (obviously he wasn't), and he says to me in a very thick
Indian accent, "What kind of aneemal thees ees?"  I explained to him "it"
was a ferret.  He then aked me if it would bite him, and despite the
plethera of witty responses which leapt into my head, I dutifully
informed him of her harmlessness.  He asked me if this was a pet or a
wild aneemal (she wears a collar and nametag, but who knows), I assured
him there are no wild ferrets in Colorado and that she helps me with the
laundry among other household chores.  We parted on friendly company,
although at no time did he turn his back on Maru.
I told my across the hall neighbor about this...she said it was probably
a good thing he didn't see the dogs.
[Posted in FML issue 4386]