Hi Everyone!
I just recently found out about a very young pair of male ferrets (10-12
weeks)in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin that are in need of a new home.  The
couple that originally adopted them have some cats who seem to think that
the ferrets would be delicious, or at least fun to play with.  Because
the couple are afraid that the cats might harm the ferrets, they have
decided to try to find them a safer home.
The boys names are Digger and Nibbles.  They're both Marshall Farms kids
and as such are neutered and de-scented.  Digger is described as "a big
beautiful guy" He is silvery-white with dark brown tips and a sweet
white, silver, light gray face.  Nibbles sounds sable colored.
The couple would like for the boys to go to a home together, mostly
because Digger likes to suck on Nibbles ear. = )  Nibbles still has some
nibbling issues, especially where food is concerned, but he is getting
better.  Digger, is just a real love.  He hasn't bitten or nipped.  He
likes to know what is going on at all times.  Nibbles could be passed out
cold, and Digger will be up looking around at things.  He LOVES to dig
too.  He is always trying to get behind the litter box, or anything else
that he can find.
They were asking $200, but have decided to lower it to $150 in the
interest of getting them a good home as soon as possible.  They are
however flexible with the price for the right home.  They would also
consider bringing them to their new home if it is with in 30-45 minuets
of where we are.  The boys come with a cage (converted rabbit hutch),
some toys (they would rather wrestle than play with the toys though),
their hammock, dishes, collars, and all of their other belongings.
They're really sad about having to give Digger and Nibbles up, but would
rather see them go somewhere safe than get hurt or killed by their cats.
They try to let them out as much as possible, but that usually means
having to lock the cats up in the bathroom, which makes the cats that
much more irritated with the ferrets.
Please send me an e-mail if you can give these guys a good home and I'll
send you information for getting in touch with their parents.
Thanks so much!
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[Posted in FML issue 4386]